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  • Today I am fixing to make a decision that will change my life for ever.
    I thought the two of you had already decided the action.
    So, what you're fixing to do now is designate the timing.
    I also thought the decision had been made.
    We formalized it - she said yes, her family and my family are happy, and now I'm engaged to be married. (I'm very happy about this! Still tired but it's definitely nice to be serious.)
    Im tired folks. Even my soul is tired. This close to giving up which means I probably need a break from time to time.
    Seems like I am too scared to interact with people or even go to sleep on time anymore. This is self destructive behavior and I don't know why. It's not been good these last weeks!
    Does a Dog V4 hug help?
    It's January.
    The 65 to 90 day length of January can be wearing on a person.

    There is, on the positive side, at least more daylight than 3 weeks ago.
    I am currently messing with some old fountain pens I had and forgot how nicely they write.
    The old ones are good but there are some new ones which I am starting to look into if I can find some that don't leak. Tried a vintage Pelikan recently and am curious if I can find similar small, well made pens for cheaper.
    I used to see Parker fountain pens from the 40s and 50s at estate sales, all WAY overpriced of course. For the REALLY old school, make a pen out of a large feather like people did for most of human history.
    A Christmas present for the forum's train buffs. Weird thumbnail but whatever.
    Yes! they ARE building a new T1 class 4-4-4-4 Pennsylvania "Duplex" which means "Mallard" is in trouble for the title of fastest steam engine.
    I don't see Mallard being in any trouble. To attain high speeds the motion and wheels must be carefully balanced. Going by the size of the rods on the two American contenders balancing that for serious high speed running might be an issue. Also worth noting that the GWR Castle class routinely did 100mph but they were four cylinder. The BR 9F's were known for hitting 90mph despite being a goods engine!
    Reminder for everyone, go to the grocery while you can, because later in the week it'll be packed with people preparing for Christmas dinner.
    Made that mistake at Thanksgiving when I forgot about it and the Aldi's was basically the thunderdome. I highly recommend shopping Monday or Tuesday so you can prepare your meals without being in that shopper rush.
    Yes, l totally agree. Loud obnoxious people who ruin xmas.
    Paying rent sucks. But paying it off and my card not declining, feels like I actually did okay for once at something. Maybe I am finally getting somewhere.
    Found a few vinyl LPs around here and figured out how to get my turntable going again. Sitting in bed in the dark listening to 1950s folk instrumentals and other weird stuff and it's kind of fun really.
    ...considering I listen to music a lot, I have been enjoying the long-playing side of things instead of having to run to the gramophone, throw the brake, flip over the 78, change the needle, crank the motor until it's wound back up, and stuff a sock down the horn for the loud passages.
    I'm too invested in my 78s to get rid of them but I had gotten this broken turntable from a thrift store--one of those old-time boxy portables you'd see in a classroom in the '70s or '80s--and it's doing pretty well after a little fix or two. It's fun seeing it go again.
    Life should be a benevolent adventure because when it is not it is scarcely worth the maintenance.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    In less than a week I will be in Morocco on a geology trip. I am going to enjoy helping out with identification and interpretation. It is a way I enjoy expressing my enthusiams. A benevolent adventure indeed.
    @Gerard Wilgus that's absolutely fantastic; Morocco is one of those places that I have heard has interesting geological formations & I hope the fossils are plentiful and the locals are as enthusiastic about it as you are.
    I don't care if Halloween is this weekend I'm tired of listening to lousy stupid drunks and revelers. Shut the hell up and turn the radio off.
    Everybody's going gaga over some supercar parked in front of work, but I'd rather have a 2-cylinder machine or something with a weird electric motor. If we're going to drive dangerously we can do it while evading CO poisoning, battery fires, or impalement.
    3 owners and 109 years living in Oxfordshire. Me want. Me not have money. Not for sale either.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    It has been my experience that those showing off their supercars rarely take them to the track and I wonder if they even have the skills to do so. I do not have a supercar, a MR2, but I enjoy getting it out on track days.
    A parrot in a pet shop was very valuable because if you picked up one leg it sang a hymn, and if you picked up the other, it recited a psalm..."But what if I lift both legs?" the customer asked.

    "Then I fall down, you idiot," said the parrot.
    Two projects today: fixing my cellphone for better charging, and backdating my bedroom light fixture with a homemade copy of a turn-of-the-century ceiling light (right down to a replica Edison-Mazda style bulb.) Old & new at the same time.
    Oh absolutely -- I love the old-school designs because no one knew what technology was "supposed" to look like at the time--and because they plain work. I made an Oreck vacuum cleaner out of two 2005-model XL's and it works better than a new vacuum--there's no filter to change, just the paper bag, and the filtration problem is solved by making the cloth outer bag out of HEPA filter cloth. Works like a trick.
    Also it's funny that a lot of old-school tech & furniture are tactile yet unobtrusive. It is like it was all designed for autistic people or something.
    In 2020 I purchased a Sears light sconce from 1910 at an estate sale, then rewired it with all new "guts" because it originally took a 7.5 watt bulb and had that awful cloth insulated wire where much of the cloth had worn off right where it threaded through the back of the sconce into the bulb socket. Since I don't exactly have a desire to be barbecued by a light fixture, I rewired it.
    Sometimes at work we use grease pencils aka chinagraph pencils for filling tiny cosmetic defects in vehicle parts. Turns out, artists like them too. I did not know that--basically they feel like a mix of lead pencil & Crayola crayon, come in various colors, and seem like a hilariously simple idea for artists with a budget.
    They are pretty great! I used them at work occasionally. At the factory I worked at, they had phased them out in favour of paint pens. They were kinda the permanent marker before they were really a thing. They are lovely to use and easy to remove while leaving a mark permanent enough that it doesn't easily get wiped off. They are also probably a lot better for the environment!
    Turns out if you get one hot in the flame of a match you can use the melted wax/plastic as a "filler" for deeper pitting too. They are fantastic! Glad you like them too @MildredHubble. You can also write on a whiteboard with one!
    I need to get rid of so much of the "collection" here--love collecting antiques/vintage but it's time to thin the herd further. Selling or giving away is equal to, or more fun than, collecting.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    This has nothing to do with your post but I'm just wondering how things went with that Volvo? Are you the proud owner of a classic Volvo? :) Or was it too much uncertainty surrounding it.
    @Forest Cat I have a funny story there--didn't get that one, decided to keep on saving & hunting for a better one. The guy didn't even show up with it!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    It's probably smart to look for another one, some things about that one seemed a little iffy. Both the car and the owner. Good luck with the Volvo hunting.
    Boy howdy I hope I never have to attend another gathering with Based Tradcath Intellectual types.
    Never mind the guys outside smoking cigarettes and laughing at anyone who is bothered by calling people retarded. They go against the spirit of what it is to be gentlemen.
    Yes it does mean so - it's becoming a larger subculture within the Catholic community and I hope it doesn't get bigger. Was heavily involved as a teenager in traditionalist circles. Never again.
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