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New house! Super excited! Exclamation points!!!

Surreal and hard to believe... but after over 10 years in this house, it's finally time to move.

When it comes to my view of this, I wanted a better space to myself. I use the basement because it allows for that sort of solitude, but... yeah, I dont like this basement. For various reasons. Particularly that I dont like big open indoor spaces, they spook me a bit. Well, this new place also has a 2spooky4me bit, but we'll get to that. I did get a better basement here, though it comes with That Door... yeah, again, we'll get to that.

Anyway, yeah... photos! I often find interior photos of houses to be absolutely fascinating, so maybe some of you on here might also like that sort of thing.


Here's what is seen upon entering the house. A view of the "war room" as I call it (soon to be my father's office), and the unexplained tree. Also... the stairs. Those stairs are a problem. I'll explain later.


The view from the top of the stairs. What the heck is with that shelf? Not a normal feature, for sure. The bad stairs to the left. The Oddly Cramped Hallway behind me.


The master bedroom. What the heck. I cant overstate the size of this. It has it's own mini-hallway inside, among other things. Just... why?


This will be my room! Note that it is not orange. Window looks out to the backyard. You might notice all the outlets... there are 4 others that cant be seen. We'll get to that.


I'm not sure what this is going to be. Note that this IS orange. And red. And yellow, to the right. Not as many outlets. Which makes this room an anomaly.


A view of the backyard, from my room. It is enormous. There is an odd little creek with flowing water to the left, and a very long paved path going along The Road Nobody Uses, to the right. This area is mostly trees and fields.


In the backyard. There is a firepit and a little pond to the left and behind me, and the driveway end point directly behind me. A bit of an odd driveway. I did not take a photo of that. I tripped on those stairs 3 times.


The... er... big window thing. This also looks out onto the backyard. Some stained glass bits. Lots of outlets in here.


Now we get to the part I care about. This is at the entrance to the basement. Some of this will definitely change. I dont drink, so the alcohol wont be there. But there is a sink and a fridge behind that bar, and cabinets... I'll be keeping some of my food down here, as I typically have my meals at my computer desk. I JUST noticed there is a bottle with a "?" mark on it. That's a bit... odd... This whole place is odd though, and the basement is where we start to really see that. Also That Door is to my left, and the Dark Room is behind me.


Yeah... this is That Door. This goes to the... something. Even just this photo gives me anxiety (because I seriously dont remember taking this shot). Well, everything about this is an anxiety factory. I swear, if I ever come downstairs and that door is hanging open with the light off, I'll have a panic attack. We'll get to what's inside there at the end of this.


The view when I turn to the right a bit when standing near the bar. There's like 3 more doors that cant be seen around that corner. The open door goes to the Wire Room. There is another door immediately behind me, we'll get to that in just a moment.


The... er... game room? That thing with the spinny guys wont be there, that's going with the current owners. The pool table is to my left, and this is likely where the arcade cabinet is also going to be. As well as the OTHER arcade cabinet which I intend on getting after the move. I'll be making a whole seperate post about THAT once it happens, because that is something very unique. As for that door there, uh, I cannot remember what's in there.


There is a bathroom! In the basement!


This is the Dark Room. I think it's rather obvious what the current owners use it for. This is going to be my "main space". The deep red color is easier on my eyes, and the dimmer lighting is nice too. The lights can be dimmed further as well. Note also the black ceiling. There is a big projection screen to the left there. I guess I can watch anime on it? The method of usage is a bit unclear, and we'll see why momentarily.


The Dark Room, pointing towards the... er... entrance. I aint exactly a movie buff, and those posters and things are probably going with the current owners (er... I think) so these walls will likely be adorned with gaming-related posters, and maybe some of the fractal art I've gotten into. That curtain can close, thus blocking my view of That Door. There appears to be a bird. You can see the projector hanging above the Scarface poster. There is no direct way to interact with it in this room, which confused me, until I found this next bit:


This is the... er... media control room. The projector, and other things, are operated from here. This room is in an odd location, and has a bizarre low ceiling. There are many wires and gizmos in here. See, from what I was told, the guy that owned the place is an electrician... this explains the extreme number of outlets, and other odd things like the Wire Room. Speaking of which...


This is the Wire Room. Gee, can you guess why? I havent the foggiest bloody clue what any of that crazy stuff does. I'm not the electrician here. This is the room of things I wont freaking touch. This is also where the internet comes in. That totally wont present a problem later. Nope. Guess who usually is the one to deal with internet issues around here? I'm just gonna try not to think about that for right now.


This is... er... okay I have no idea what's going on in this room. This too is in the basement. You might think this where the washer and dryer are, yeah? NOPE. That's upstairs. The function of this room is currently unknown to me. I JUST now noticed that there is a thick wire wrapped around a pipe on the left. The heck is up with that? And what's with that wall? Why does it look like that? But let's turn to the right:


What am I even looking at? What is that thing on the bottom left? What is that tangled mess on the back wall? What is that awful jagged thing that is above the blue lumpy gizmo? What the heck is glowing back there? Exploring into this further didnt cause it to make any more sense.

Okay, it's time for the last bit, let's just do this:


This is what is on the other side of That Door. I call it the Horror Hall. Why? Because, as a long-time fan of surreal horror games, I've seen what is basically this about 5 bazillion times... it is a favorite setting of that sort of thing, often complete with reality warping fun and stairways to nowhere. Oh, and there is NOT a wall immediately behind me here. If I were to turn around and take another photo, you'd basically see this again, but mirrored. Except that the other side also has this... low wooden gate. Strangest thing I've ever seen in a house... I should have taken a photo of it before I nope'd out. I cannot imagine what the gate is for. Nobody was able to figure that out. Aside from the gate and the chairs, there is nothing else in here, in either side. From what I'm told, there never was.

Bonus fun part: All of my hobby stuff is going to be kept in here.

I tell you this, if the power ever goes out while I'm in here, I will have an utter, complete freakout. EVERYTHING about this space bothers me. Everything.

That freaking door is staying shut at all times unless I need to go in here. Which I will. Frequently. Ugh.

Let's have a look at something more happy:


The view from the front door. There is also a swinging chair thing to the right, and that walkway leads to the odd driveway that I didnt photograph. Can you see why I like this area? This is one of the reasons this house was chosen.

Well! That's it! What a funky place. I'm so excited for it. There are some other bits that I didnt show here, as this post was getting long enough.

We move in about a month. Which is likely to be hectic... I'll be staying at a hotel during that phase, in order to stay out of everyone's way. I'm useless with things like that.

Oh, and about the stairs I mentioned: See, the issue is that THEY ARE NOT CARPETED. That... that's bad. I've made it very, very clear to my father that the dogs are NOT to go up there for any reason until something is done about that. Why? Because those lovable goofballs have enough trouble walking on the smooth kitchen floor, sliding all over the place. What's more, BOTH of them have this really distressing habit of sprinting down stairs. See the problem?

The dogs wont like that rule... they normally sleep upstairs in the master bedroom. But until this is solved, well... they'll have to deal.

And that's that! Really cant wait. And you know what, kinda looking forward to the hotel stay too. I havent done that in awhile.

I'd also like to thank Imgur for being a buggy sack of dead roaches.


I, too, love house pictures. Thank you for the guided tour. Looks wonderful. Congratulations!

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