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Our Cat Escaped, What Do We Do?


Look!! There's a cat!!
Yesterday when I got home I found out that our cat had escaped. This made me so worried, she's only a little cat and the other time's she's escaped has been during hte day when it's light, and I'm worried she won't find her way back. My sister and I went out looing for her and we found her but she kept on running away and wouldn't come to us even when we had treats and called her name. Mum said she'd come back but I'm worried she won't. It's not the early morning and she's still not back, and it's still dark, and I can't go out to find her when it's light because I have college at 9 so I have to leave early, and I don't come home till after 6. My Mum's at work at 3 but she may have other stuff to do. So what can we do to get her back? I miss her already and I'm really upset and worried she'll never come back.
I have 2 Savannahs that are ~30% Serval (cousin to a cheetah). We live in a canyon with coyotes, bobcats, the occassional mountain lion, but worse, owls, raptors, etc. I built a 16x16 foot enclosure which they love to visit, but they both have made it out here and there.
Don't chase your kitty.....makes her run.
Treats vs playing the great outside? (I have freeze dried chicken which we call "kitty crack" that they will do anything for, except come in if they've made it out.
I leave a door cracked open (and the other cat locked in another room), and they are amazing at finding their way home. Warmth and food after a romp will bring them home.
I hope you don't have a busy road next to you, and good luck!!!
Very sorry to hear it & I hope it turns out ok. Cats are very resourceful however so there's a very good chance she will return. But yes, taking a really tempting treat when to look for her sounds like a good idea. Chicken or maybe Tuna.
If its cold leave a box with a towel or old blanket outside by the door for her to shelter in. Best of luck.
She's back now. I saw her as I was leaving this morning and she went straight to the house, so I opened the door and she went straight in.

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