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Don't Be Shy To Introduce Yourself

Hello all,

I found this site while doing an Internet search for autistic child/parental relationship issues. I'm currently 44-years old, and I've been teaching myself about autism for the past 10 years or so after a friend of mine (now husband) suggested I might be on the spectrum. I've never had a formal diagnosis, and can't really say with certainty I am, but I do at least relate to many characteristics that seem to define the autistic experience. I have been considering therapy for a while to help me navigate life better, but taking that first step after a couple of tumultuous years has been hard. I thought a little bit of reading about people's actual experiences and not just the dense literature might be helpful. Thanks for letting me dive in!
Welcome, @AracariKunha . I think you’re on the right track. I was pretty sure from the literature that I’m autistic, but then I came here and all doubt was erased. IMO, the formal diagnostic community could learn a great deal from spending time around here. Hope to see you around.
Hello all,

I found this site while doing an Internet search for autistic child/parental relationship issues. I'm currently 44-years old, and I've been teaching myself about autism for the past 10 years or so after a friend of mine (now husband) suggested I might be on the spectrum. I've never had a formal diagnosis, and can't really say with certainty I am, but I do at least relate to many characteristics that seem to define the autistic experience. I have been considering therapy for a while to help me navigate life better, but taking that first step after a couple of tumultuous years has been hard. I thought a little bit of reading about people's actual experiences and not just the dense literature might be helpful. Thanks for letting me dive in!

Glad you found us, @AracariKunha

I think your thought process to look for personal experiences with ASD(Autism Spectrum Disorder), is definitely the wisest approach. You'll find, what alot of us have found.

"If you've met one autistic person. You've met one autistic person."

What this means, is that despite some similarities with certain feelings and experiences. Alot of it is quite unique to the person and affects us in different ways from other autistics. Even if we may share a certain kind of autism on the spectrum.

In anycase. I hope you enjoy your time with us and learn alot from everyone's experiences. And hopefully it will give you more context for your own.
Hello all,

I have been reading the forums for quite some time now. I only just joined after the 60th time of being reminded to seek social support anywhere, even online.

I first learned about autism four years ago, when I was in an incredibly stressful and toxic job. I was stretched beyond my limits and hit what I now know to be autistic burnout. Needless to say, I got no empathy nor sympathy. I was first to be laid off in the subsequent wave of layoffs.

I am in therapy twice a month (limited by my lack of money and financial support). My therapist diagnosed me with major depression, GAD, ASD, ADHD and C-PTSD. I'm hardworking and diligent and curious. I have attempted ACT, DBT, CBT and general counselling. Most help a little, until the next plateau.

Previously, I had undergone psychiatric medication treatment for significant depression. It helped, but when I lost my insurance, I was unable to continue the course and spent painful, expensive months tapering down an SSRI.

I encountered several major shocks in recent months. I'm in a freeze state these days, and my inner critic is wondering what the future may bring that is not more of the same.

I love writing, psychology, programming, philosophy & theology, applied meditation in walking and marksmanship, hiking and anything outdoors.
I hope to support you all, and feel socially supported, as we all deserve to feel. I am glad to have found you and look forward to many conversations ahead.
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My name is KMan and my screenname tells you where I am living. Nothing more or nothing less. That is all I can say at this point. I like to go to art shows, travel, watch sports and drink Liquid Death sparkling water! I just recently suffered from censorship for free speech on Wrong Planet.
Howdy, @KManTheTexan!
My name is KMan and my screenname tells you where I am living. Nothing more or nothing less. That is all I can say at this point. I like to go to art shows, travel, watch sports and drink Liquid Death sparkling water! I just recently suffered from censorship for free speech on Wrong Planet.
Welcome. I hope you find here to be stimulating and valuable.
Glad to have you with us, @KManTheTexan

I've heard about the horror stories from others here, who have are also former members of Wrong Planet. I've never been myself. But that is a good thing, from what it seems like.

We are far friendlier here and are happy to help with any questions you have. Hope to see you around the forum.
Glad to have you with us, @KManTheTexan

I've heard about the horror stories from others here, who have are also former members of Wrong Planet. I've never been myself. But that is a good thing, from what it seems like.

We are far friendlier here and are happy to help with any questions you have. Hope to see you around the forum.

Definitely. What is happening is that Wrong Planet is supposed to be helping people that most need it, but sadly they just lecture people instead of uplifting them.
My name is KMan and my screenname tells you where I am living. Nothing more or nothing less. That is all I can say at this point. I like to go to art shows, travel, watch sports and drink Liquid Death sparkling water! I just recently suffered from censorship for free speech on *rong Planet.

Just need to find my people and be around a less toxic environment.
Some ppl call it "toxic planet". 😛
Many ppl have found refuge here.
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