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Do Aspies annoy other Aspies?

Hi all, I'm new to this forum but will introduce myself properly later with a better focus. :) I'm on the spectrum but not sure of other than having ASD/"autistic". (Sorry English isn't my first language and I'm generally a slow detailed writer.)

I have similar experience with an earlier commenter here, that I've gotten along best usually with people who have ADHD (or at least the combination of ADHD+ASD). In fact almost all the people I used to know were ADHD's in my youth (that's whole another story). The shared oddness and feeling/being an outsider in the society has been that great mutual understanding in those relationships.

I have known a lot of other ASD people too, but it has varied greatly if I've gotten along with them or for how long.

I think sometimes the little things that I've found bothering me has been mostly the (unnecessary) bluntness. I mean by that, telling me "your face looks odd in this picture" or "you're singing out of tune" (singing just for fun, not a pro). Comments like that often flatten my mood a bit. They were not meant to be nasty in a malicious way, I have recognized the difference in that with ASD's and NT's (NT's tend to be more intentionally rude unlike ASD's), but still very blunt in a way I find unnecessary. I might have different bluntness sometimes, such as saying a very unpopular opinion on some social issues I'm passionate about etc., but usually I'm even way too careful not to sound rude directly.
There are some other minor things I remember, but I'll let them be for now (not focused enough to write well today! :))

In general though, I do enjoy it when I'm feeling accepted with other ASD's typically, much much more easily. Many NT's can't understand me one bit, so...maybe that's why I decided to find this forum finally after spending way too many months just by myself. :)

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