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  • Had my first "meltdown in the middle of a workday" experience. Not fun. I need to drop a job somehow.
    Can you afford to see a doctor? You may well be right, but all i know is many times ive been covinced i have something but it turns out to be something else. Due to a lot of conditions overlapping you know? Its why the doctors have banned me from google because while the internet might have the information you need an experienced expert to weigh it up
    I'd have to get over my doctor phobia first but yes you're right I am way overdue for a checkup. Thanks for the push!
    Cheers! I have it too.
    Got my son's kindergarten art book back. He just wrote the word "art" in it for each class... 🤦
    When I was in kindergarten, my name was "Batman". As in, that's what I put on the line for my name on our worksheets. Then I grew up and developed a voice similar to Kevin Conroy's Batman. Dreams really do come true.
    I leave my kid with the TV for half an hour and come back to him having tiled the hardwood floor by gluing paper to it. Thankfully glue was still wet so I washed it off. He did quite a good job of "retiling" the floor though, lol.
    Find an apprentice program for him, but at age 5, it may be tough. Lol
    He may be very talented with his hands. Lego kit might be something he really enjoys. By four, my daughter had Legos.
    He's not an easy one to keep busy! Ignores almost every toy (including Legos). Seems to prefer hunting down household tools/appliances/items and doesn't seem happy with the toy versions. We'll keep working on alternative outlets.
    Finally figured out that my repetitive thoughts have been almost completely gone for a few weeks, since my physical stimming greatly increased. Swapping mental stims for physical stims.
    What's some helpful stims?
    Oh, so interesting. Now I want to stim. Nice trade-off.
    @thejuice - it's not entirely conscious, but it's been hand/arm bouncing and leg bouncing for me.
    @marc_101 - yes, my therapist claims this is a sign therapy is working. my husband says I am much more "present."
    Talked to some wonderful people this week after my son's ASD2 diagnosis, got a better perspective. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my son, he is exactly who God made him to be, and I will make sure he grows up believing that.
    Trust me there will be days where that’s tested severely. He’s going to need you.
    Got final evaluation results. Received a surprise ASD2 diagnosis for my youngest, I thought he was ASD1 for sure. Happy for this forum and the amazing ASD2 posters to set a reassuring example.
    Full evaluation still underway, but the child psychologist already said she sees autism and it's a matter of determining the degree now. It's a new phase in parenting...
    My youngest's evaluation is this afternoon. I'm not a fan of slapping diagnoses on kids, but he's approaching a point where he needs a full time aide at school.

    I worry the evaluator won't see the signs, but then I remember my youngest greets people with "1+1=2 ... 2+2=4 ... 4+4=8 ... 8+8=16 ..." all the way up until he can't figure out what 512+512 is in his head.
    Good luck! It sounds like you might have the next tech millionaire. Impressive to reach 512+512, although it sounds like a long process. Prime numbers next?
    I think he kept going because the stranger was very impressed with him and got more impressed at each round. lol. Happened on Monday.

    If he were a MMORPG build, he'd be maxing out the INT stat while keeping WIS at zero.
    1024. :cool:
    Last social outing now. Everyone’s drinking except me. I’m not running away from who I am. I scored a 69 on SIAS. I’m dealing.
    What's that
    Social Interaction Anxiety Scale. 36 is the threshold for social anxiety disorder. 69 is severe.
    I panic when I think I might have to talk to someone what's my score? 😁
    Slipped and drank last night at a social event. Not beating myself over it, but it is scary how "normal" alcohol makes me feel. It's like an instant autism remover. No wonder I got so dependent on it.
    You are right to not beat yourself up. Since it seems like you've been so healthy and proud of sobriety, I encourage you to let this be a learning experience and keep doing the things you've done so far to support your own goals and desires. We can move on from a slip.
    Just remember that you say it makes you feel "normal" when really it is taking away and masking what is normal for you. The normal, autistic you is the more authentic one and she wants to see the world now. No more shunning her to the side with alcohol. 💚
    Thank you for the encouragement. :) This was the worst scenario until the holidays, maybe even worse than holidays. Hopefully I can cruise to that.
    Worked from the hotel room today. Played Pokemon Go in the evening. Sat through one dinner without resorting to drinking, which was the biggest victory. Three more days to go.
    Got the results of my 2nd assessment back, and yup, still autistic/ADHD. For some irrational reason, I was worried the first place was a diagnosis mill so I sought a second opinion.
    30 min in seems fast, but if from two places... might be something about it. I had a psychiatrist read my assesment report, from the report he said he agreed on the autism, but he wasn't sure if I was ADHD, maybe I didn't have it or had ADD instead of ADHD, so that is why I want to get a second opinion on that part.
    Well, to be fair, by "decided" I mean they started talking and behaving as if I were already ASD. They didn't say it outright, just the way they phrased things made me think they already decided it. I guess I am just that awkward. :eek:
    I think the people working with asd on a daily basis probably develop a strong 6th sense for spotting us :)
    We hosted a dinner party last night. I didn't drink, and my fitness app claims I burned more calories than in an hour's worth of actual exercise during that dinner. Heart rate over 150 bpm. Interesting to see social anxiety laid out like that and why I had been using alcohol to cope.
    Got a migraine last night for the first time since my 20's. I searched on r/stopdrinking and some people report the same. Migraines went away while drinking the alcohol, then started returning a month after stopping drinking.

    I will consider this a weird kind of progress.
    My sister had migraines for years until she worked out what was triggering them - chocolate.
    I'm blaming it on drinking a whole bottle of alcohol removed red wine. 25 calories for the whole bottle and it tastes surprisingly like the real thing. But I forgot the tannins are still there.

    Found an interesting citation here - "The risk of migraine in alcohol drinkers is approximately 1.5 times lower than in the group of non-drinkers"
    A developmental editor told me yesterday that my manuscript was the top 5 she'd seen! Very encouraging. Still revising to do but she thinks it'll be ready for a literary agent in the summer and thinks it has a great shot at being published.
    I had been thinking of taking medical leave. But after the positive experience with Sudafed, I am going to try asking about Ritalin/Adderall.
    Sudafed is one of the drugs I can't take, I get grumpy on it. Strangely, I was fine with the old fashioned Effedrine tablets, it's only the pseudo effedrine that I react badly to.
    I hadn't been productive since stopping drinking. Did some research. Drinking increases dopamine. So does Sudafed. As an experiment, I took some Sudafed. Got a crazy amount of stuff done today...
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