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  • It's such a dark, troubling thing. I genuinely hate myself still. Maybe I can mask it with irony or such. The feeling comes back again and again nevertheless. And it scares me a little bit every time.
    I had a conversation which hit way too deep for me this wednesday. Basically, it was about physical activity and getting inspiration but it derailed and... I was left speechless after he said "You can't blame everything on your autism..." and I replied (without lying) "I never even mentioned my autism once in this conversation."
    My current try of Duolingo is going well so far. Why is it the Japanese language that I'm learning on there? Who knows but I want to keep doing it for some reason.
    I feel like one hour a week with a psychologist is way too rare for me. I find myself wanting to talk to somebody in that way every 2-3 days.
    Yeah, I feel you, that's why I right now chose to go 2 times a week. I am happy about the choice, but my wallet isn't.
    It is a weird (and somewhat sad) experience to me how my knowledge of the German language never improved and got much more hard to use over time since I began learning English. I have my mother's side speaking German as their first or close secondary language, for context. They stopped speaking in German towards me after I was around 8.
    Austria is really close to you, right? I can imagine it must be hard.
    As a person who knows 4 languages, until you constantly practice all of them, there is a chance that you'll indeed start forgetting the language. It should be easy to pick it up and remember things back pretty fast when you return to that language. Or, well, at least it's how it's with me. I leaned German in school, but because I stopped giving it any attention, I forgot almost everything :')
    The past week has been a difficult mental struggle for me, you can see it in my posts. But I am out of it. For now, I have won.
    Time to take the next step forward. Time to work, love, see and create.
    I think I have to take at least a few days off this forum. It's necessary to start getting my life together.
    I mean this in the best way possible. :)
    Glad you came thru it. We are open 24/7, coffee is always on, don't park near the fire hydrant, and live your life the best you can.
    Strange. I have not felt this deep calmness in a long time.
    You people seem to genuinely help me.
    And it's not just on here, I am more comfortable now in real life also.
    Pleeease, Google, stop! Why did I have to Google what this symptom means for me?!
    Yeah that's one of those lessons you learn the hard way, hopefully only once. Never ask the internet about medical stuff.
    The fingers on my left hand are twitching much more than they usually do.
    I'm really bothered by this, not gonna lie.
    Only the hand?
    Nothing else?

    Sort of like hiccups for a body part.
    (The way I think of the very irritating *now my eye lid jerks, jerks, jerks.....* experience.)
    I mean... That is a more fun way to think about it, I guess.
    My left leg is also kind of sensitive, it can easily become uncomfortable, even painful in certain positions or movements.
    I shouldn't fall for bad ideas, even if they seem to serve me. Especially, if it's only just me or only just people like me.
    I should keep this in mind it seems because my brain tricked me once again.
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