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  • Looking forward to Godzilla Vs Kong on HBO Max at the end of this month. It will most likely be terrible, but I will love it anyway.
    I want to crawl into bed, fall asleep, give up all obligations in life, sleep, sleep some more, escape my reality for a very long time.
    The feeling when I realize my life is devoid of meaning.
    No one can decide what someone's life means, not even yourself.
    At a family member’s house, where I usually can help myself to food, but just had a brownie that I should not have had. Magic brownie.
    I had no idea what I consumed until they told me. Lovely.
    Just read your post, I will pray for you... And just want to encourage you that God will meet you where you are, if you don't have to perform for him, he takes us as we are, the good and the bad days... Do you know a pastor you can talk with? Even in days of Covid there are ways... Or find a Christian counselling service, you can probably find one...
    I attend an addiction counseling service, and I now realize I am great at replacing one addiction with another. Heh.
    Some addictions are better than others, I sometimes consider being on the computer too much to be a form of addiction, in a manner of speaking... Thankfully I've never even dealt with substance abuse, but know people who have, and I do know it's not easy
    Why do I feel the need to keep holding on to situations I cannot control? That is a form of insanity.
    Don't be too harsh on yourself. You are probably just wanting to be loved/successful and reaching out from a good place within
    Just bought some fresh mango slices, and they are super yummy. Mango is the greatest of all fruits.
    In half an hour, I will start gaming for 24 hours. All part of a fundraiser for children’s hospitals. I met my goal, I am content.
    Just two more work shifts between now and game day. I am doing Extra Life this year, and I am really pumped up over it all.
    Looking forward to partying and gaming all weekend long. Just three more work shifts between now and then.
    Smoking a massively large gauge cigar when I get home from work today. It kinda makes me feel like a rock star when I do that. Very silly.
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