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Everyday Life

3 min read
Everyday Life
Well, it is here, december 31, 2017, while I'm writing this at 4:47pm, waiting for the year to be over, for the change to date, for going to sleep and wake up in another day which for some people is a day to start change, to forget the past. While me, I'm still thinking in so many things I've...
3 min read
Everyday Life
I am living on the autism spectrum. I didn’t know until weeks ago. I accepted the diagnosis as one of relief and a gift. It has since taken me down memory lane. In my mind, I have relived episodes of the distant past as well as recent. One of those memories was of a Christmas Eve at Grandma and...
3 min read
Everyday Life
Some years ago I came across one of those 9-11 stories. A story that occurred on that fateful morning when the planes came crashing at the towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, and a field in Pennsylvania. A priest was near the location in New York when the first plane hit...
3 min read
Everyday Life
If I could take a single snapshot of myself as a child, it would be of me as a little girl looking out the window watching the children play. A child wishing to join in, but too afraid to step outside and ask "can I play?" Maybe if she had asked, they would have let her join in the circle...
I had a long conversation with an acquaintance (I have a hard time accepting non-special ed people as my friend) my age about my anxiety. I was very surprised how much he cared about me.
From my last entry, I managed to break the cycle! Back to this entry... I am staying with my boyfriend at the moment, and occasionally there are musicians that come and busk outside. Today the guy playing a steel drum has returned. Usually I don't mind, but considering he's been outside since 9...
I recently started a blog of personal stories relating to our journey in understanding our daughter's high-functioning autism, the lack of accommodations in the public school system and the general lack of understanding of the complexities of each individual with autism. My blog is...
This is my first entry! Here goes.. The main reason why I'm fed up is that I can't sleep. I've generally always had problems getting to sleep, since I can remember. But this latest bout of insomnia started two weeks ago. I had a terrible head cold that went to my chest, having asthma doesn't...
1 min read
Everyday Life
I dread leaving my apartment. I live in a third floor walk up. Once a day I have to go and collect my mail which is in the hall way on the ground floor. There is this old man who lives in the flat next to the mail boxes. Sometimes he waits out there for people to get their mail so he can talk to...
I though it about time to explain this. First of all, no, I am not actually leaving AC. Let me get that out of the way. This has been a wonderful place to hang out over the past four and a half years, and it has helped me in so many ways, both from getting feedback from my compatriots, and...
3 min read
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Everyday Life
I am a Protestant Christian, a believer in reformed theology (most commonly called Calvinism), a pastor and theologian. Keep in mind that my responses are always going to be from this perspective. A few years back, a JW elder making his rounds in the area stopped by my home to try to convert my...
1 min read
Everyday Life
Mom, I said that I kept this blog for you to read when you grew up. If it is now that you are ready to face the truth, then go on, this was made for you to know about what really happened with my life, the one you never truly saw. I can't believe that I am saying this to you, I had a hard time...
I am at a point in my daily interactions that I feel like I could explode. I want to talk to someone so desperately to talk about my day yesterday. I am not scheduled to see anyone until Tuesday at 4 pm. That seems like a long time to try to keep everything inside.
1 min read
Everyday Life
No, that's not a typo. My last day of work was Wednesday (due to Thanksgiving on Thursday here in the US), and yes, I consider it a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I loved the place I worked at. I loved the people, the management rocked, it was a great gig. The work itself, though, wore me...
3 min read
Everyday Life
We just got a letter thing about benefits and what my son is entitled to. On it is a rather generic "Autism Disorder" diagnostic code, so it seems the testing we had done (for which the follow-up isn't until Thursday) ended up with a positive determination. This doesn't come as a surprise...
1 min read
Everyday Life
Hi i Facilitate a adult group for Adhd / Aspergers to help them understand there disability and cope in this Social world we live.also with the group your partners and mum and dad's ,Auntys ,Uncle's and nan's to so they can see an insight of our disability.And the rest of your family can get...
3 min read
Everyday Life
When I was a young person, I doubt if anyone would have called my sensory issues "clinical". I was notably sensitive, and certain sounds like food processors and lawnmowers have always bothered me, but as an adult I am driven mad by thousands of sounds I don't think existed with any degree of...
1 min read
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Everyday Life
I don't mean to be emo or anything negative, I'm just calling it as I see it, but I noticed that the people who screw over others get away with it and are often times praised for their actions. For example, I was bullied constantly in high school and my only hope for making out of there alive...
2 min read
Everyday Life
thralldom, enthrallment. Slavery, bondage, servituderefer to involuntary subjection to another or others.Slavery emphasizes the idea of complete ownershipand control by a master: to be sold into slavery.Bondage indicates a state of subjugation or captivity often involving burdensome and...
4 min read
Everyday Life
When I was a fourteen-year-old unknowing Aspie and already suffering the pain of loneliness and emotional abuse at the hands of parents who weren't there when I needed them and who invalidated my every act, choice, goal, feeling when they were.. I had found a partial escape in reading and...
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