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Asperger/Autism Network (AANE)

Asperger/Autism Network (AANE) 2015-05-16

Watertown, Massachusetts
The Asperger/Autism Network (AANE), one of the first Asperger Syndrome organizations in the United States, was founded in 1996 by a small group of concerned parents and professionals, shortly after the diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome (AS) first appeared in the U.S. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (edition IV). AANE builds a supportive community by providing education, information and referrals to individuals with AS, their extended families, and the professionals who assist them.

In addition, the AANE website includes valuable information about various facets of Asperger's and its treatment.
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest reviews

Like most organizations, this one is continually adapting and changing- but not because of large weaknesses and faults. The organization is truly person centered. There are individuals on the spectrum who serve in significant positions within the organization. For example: the executive board.

I have not been able to be as personally involved as I like but I know from very close friends, invitations I have received to be involved and what I have seen from the organization that they do quite well for what they aim to do. And it is not just referrals. They also offer supportive services themselves as well as activity groups [that are actually productive and fun] and programs that involve the community- like a quite successful artist collaborative that has been established for a while.

Overall I think it is a very good organization, one that I consider receptive to member and target demographic needs as well as open to adaptation.

I didn't rate it excellant because it's "perfect" but because it is made up of those on the spectrum, the organization is involved in the community and supports self advocacy, education and independence to any extent possible and you can actively see these things in what they do.

At least I can haha. But clearly only my perspective :D
I visited the website and went through the tabs introducing the organization, the research they support (by asking for volunteers), and noted in particular that they serve adults with AS; it's not just a children-only support. I was also impressed that they are trying to expand out of New England, offer social networking, and in general seem to have a lot of engagement opportunities. I'll be revisiting this resource. Would like to know what others think.
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